
German Robotics Conference Paper
Genki Miyauchi, Mohamed S. Talamali, Alan Millard, Yuri Kaszubowski Lopes, Roderich Gross
Multi-Human Multi-Robot Interaction: Cooperation Leveraging a Robot Swarm as a Shared Resource, German Robotics Conference (GRC), Nuremberg, Germany, March 13-15, 2025.

German Robotics Conference Paper
Genki Miyauchi, Mohamed S. Talamali, Mengyao Liu, Lowie Deferme, Tom Van Eyck, Sam Michiels, Jessica Jayakumar, Alexandre Abadie, Geovane Fedrecheski, Martina Balbi, Said Alvarado-Marin, Felix Matzdorf, Julian Rau, Danny Hughes, Thomas Watteyne, Roderich Gross, Energy Replenishment Strategies for Robot Swarms, German Robotics Conference (GRC), Nuremberg, Germany, March 13-15, 2025.
Battery-free robot tutorial
Check out the video of Prof. Danny Hughes (KU Leuven) giving a tutorial on battery-free robots at the Hands-on AI and Mobile Systems Winterschool in Como, Italy.

CapBot Video
This video shows the CapBot platform as submitted to the ICRA 2025 technical paper track and used in the associated ICRA 2025 tutorial submission.

ESANN25 Paper
Wei Wei, Matthias Hutsebaut-Buysse, Tom De Schepper, Kevin Mets, Reducing the stability gap for continual learning at the edge with class balancing, ESANN25, Bruges, Belgium, April 23-25, 2025.

PerCom ’25 Paper
Mengyao Liu, Jonathan Oostvogels, Bingwu Fang, Sam Michiels, Haoxiang Ma, Yang Yang, Danny Hughes, ENOCH: ENabling On-body network Contention Handling, accepted at the 23rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2025), Washington DC, USA, March 17 – 21, 2025.

ICRA Paper
Mengyao Liu, Lowie Deferme, Tom Van Eyck, Sam Michiels, Alexandre Abadie, Said Alvarado-Marin, Filip Maksimovic, Genki Miyauchi, Jessica Jayakumar, Mohamed S. Talamali, Thomas Watteyne, Roderich Gross, Danny Hughes, CapBot: Enabling Battery-Free Swarm Robotics, accepted at ICRA’25, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 19-23, 2025.

Autonomous Navigation and Charging!
Last week, a meet-up was organised between the teams of Prof. Danny Hughes (KU Leuven) and Prof Roderich Gross (U of Sheffield/Darmstadt) as part of the OpenSwarm project. Together, they worked on connecting the DotBot to its virtual machine and zone-based localisation system. Check out the video showcasing the successful autonomous navigation to the drive-in charging dock!

ICRA Paper
Said Alvarado-Marin, Cristobal Huidobro-Marin, Martina Balbi, Trifun Savic, Thomas Watteyne, Filip Maksimovic. Ligthhouse Localization of Miniature Wireless Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), conference version of the RAL article, Atlanta USA, 19–23 May, 2025.

MDPI Paper
A Multi-Drone System Proof of Concept for Forestry Applications. André G. Araujo, Carlos A. P. Pizzino, Micael S. Couceiro, Rui P. Rocha. MRPI Drones 2025, 9(2), 80, published: 21 January 2025.

Demo “Remote Attestation over EDHOC”
Watch the video by Yuxuan Song, Mališa Vučinić: on Remote Attestation over EDHOC.

Elsevier Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal article
Energy-aware multi-robot task scheduling using meta-heuristic optimization methods for ambiently-powered robot swarms. Mohmmadsadegh Mokhtari, Parham Haji Ali Mohamadi, Michiel Aernouts, Ritesh Kumar Singh, Bram Vanderborght, Maarten Weyn, Jeroen Famaey. Elsevier, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Available online 30 December 2024, 104898.

IEEE ICIN 2025 paper
UpGate: Low-Power and Secure Over-the-Air Hardware Reconfiguration for Deployed FPGAs. Alexandre Abadie, Alfonso Cortes, Thomas Watteyne, Filip Maksimovic. IEEE Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), Paris, France, 11-14 March 2025.

IEEE HONET 2024 Best Paper Award!
Best Paper Award, Mohmmadsadegh Mokhtari, Parham Haji Ali Mohamadi, Dragan Subotic, Ritesh Kumar Singh,
Bram Vanderborght, Maarten Weyn, Jeroen Famaey, Track: Robotics, Paper entitled: Low-power Energy Management Module for Ambiently Powered Robotic Swarms, IEEE HONET 2024, 3-5 December 2024, Doha, Qatar

SwarmIT demo
This demo presents SwarmIT, a software designed to turn a collection of DotBots into a swarm testbed.

ACM EWSN 2024 paper
CaIN: Low Power and Low Latency VHF Mesh Networking, Mengyao Liu, Bingwu Fang, Jonathan Oostvogels, Sam Michiels, Andrei Belogaev, Xinlei Liu, Jeroen Famaey, EWSN 2024, 10-13 December 2024 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

IEEE SmartIoT 2024 Best Paper Award!
Best Paper Award presented to Fabian Graf, Thomas Watteyne, Filip Maksimovic, Michael Villnow for the paper titled Channel-Dependant Forward Error Correction for IEEE 802.15.4 O-QPSK
The 8th IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things, November 14-16, 2024 Shenzhen, China

IEEE HONET 2024 paper
Low-power Energy Management Module for Ambiently Powered Robotic Swarms. Mohmmadsadegh Mokhtari, Parham Haji Ali Mohamadi, Dragan Subotic, Ritesh Kumar Singh, Bram Vanderborght, Maarten Weyn, Jeroen Famaey, IEEE HONET 2024, 3-5 December 2024 Doha, Qatar.

Interview with José Quevedo
A new episod in the series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member. Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

IEEE ANTS 2024 Best Poster Award!
“A Comparative Study of Energy Replenishment Strategies for Robot Swarms”, poster presented by Genki Miyauchi, at the ANTS 2024 conference.

Late-breaking result abstract at ANTS 2024!
On-Demand Delivery Using Fleets of UAVs with Unknown, Heterogeneous Energy Storage. Mohamed S. Talamali, Genki Miyauchi, Thomas Watteyne, Roderich Gross. Late-breaking result abstract at ANTS 2024, the 14th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, October 9-11, 2024. Konstanz, Germany

IEEE SmartIoT 2024 paper
Channel-Dependent Forward Error Correction for IEEE 802.15.4 O-QPSK. Fabian Graf, Thomas Watteyne, Filip Maksimovic, Michael Villnow. IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT) 14-16, November 2024, Shenzhen, China.

DARS 2024 paper
On the Benefits of Robot Platooning for Navigating Crowded Environments. Jahir Argote-Gerald, Genki Miyauchi, Paul Trodden, Roderich Gross, DARS2024, 28-30 October 2024, NYC, USA.

GDR RSD Day paper
Enhancing Security for Constrained IoT Devices with Lightweight Remote Attestation. Yuxuan Song, Mališa Vučinić, Thomas Watteyne. Common Day at GDR RSD, GPL (GT GL_Sec) and SI (GT SSLR) on network stack security, Orléans France, 30 September 2024

TDMA DotBot demo
Enhancing DotBot Network Efficiency: Using TDMA to Increase Gateway Capacity

DAFUSAI 2024 paper
Feature-level fusion in wireless acoustic sensor networks with graph attention networks for classification of domestic activities
Wei Wei, Matthias Hutsebaut-Buysse, Thomas Avé, Tom De Schepper, Kevin Mets. 2nd Workshop on Data Fusion for Artificial Intelligence (DAFUSAI)
October 19th, 2024 at ECAI, Santiago de Compostela.

IEEE Computer article
EDHOC is a New Security Handshake Standard: Overview of Security Analysis. Elsa Lopez Perez, Göran Selander, John Preuß Mattsson, Thomas Watteyne, Mališa Vučinić. IEEE Computer, to appear in 2024.

IEEE ICRA 2024 paper
Standards-based Remote Attestation for Internet-of-Things Swarms. Yuxuan Song, Malisa Vucinic, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Breaking Swarm Stereotypes, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, 17 May 2024.

IEEE ICRA 2024 demo
Demo: DotBot, a cm-Scale, Easy-to-Use Micro-Robot for Swarm Research. Said Alvarado-Marin, Alexandre Abadie, Filip Maksimovic, Martina Balbi, Trifun Savic, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Breaking Swarm Stereotypes, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, 17 May 2024.

IEEE IOTSMS 2024 paper
Pre-shared key authentication in Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE. Elsa Lopez Perez, Thomas Watteyne, Mališa Vučinić. IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS), Malmo, Sweden, 2-5 September 2024.

ICT Express Journal article
Monitoring Performance Metrics in Low-Power Wireless Systems. Fabian Graf, Thomas Watteyne, Michael Villnow. Elsevier ICT Express.

MDPI Sensors article
Policy Compression for Intelligent Continuous Control on Low-Power Edge Devices. Avé T, De Schepper T, Mets K., Sensors. 2024; 24(15):4876.

Qrkey: Simply and Securely Controlling Swarm Robots
Deploying and interacting with a swarm of robots often requires a lot of infrastructure and access grants to users. In this demo, we are presenting QrKey […]

ESANN 2024 paper
Online Adaptation of Compressed Models by Pre-Training and Task-Relevant Pruning. Thomas Avé, Matthias Hutsebaut-Buysse, Wei Wei, Kevin Mets, The 32th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), Bruges, Belgium, 9-11 October 2024

Demo presented at IETF 119: zero-touch secure enrollment of DotBots
Demo presented by Geovane Fedrecheski at IETF 119: zero-touch secure enrollment of DotBots

IEEE ISCC 2024 paper 3/3
The Embedded Orchestra. Romain Facq, Charles Thonier Trifun Savic, Bertrand Marcon, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Paris, 26-29 June 2024.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters article
Lighthouse Localization of Miniature Wireless Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Alvarado-Marin, S., Huidobro-Marin, C., Balbi, M., Savić, T., Watteyne, T., & Maksimovic, F. (2024).

OpenSwarm All-hands meeting in Leuven
Our second All-hands meeting took place in Leuven, Belgium, on 25-26 June 2024.

IEEE IECON 2024 paper
Running SmartMesh on the MAX32655 with MicroPython. Luiz Sampaio, Kate O’Riordan, Dara O’Sullivan, Brian Coffey, Lance Doherty, Thomas Watteyne. Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Chicago, IL, USA, 3-6 November 2024.

OpenSwarm workshop on Crystal-Free radio
We are happy to announce that our workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT, part CPS-IoT week took place on 13-16 May in Hong Kong.

Hackathon on Lightweight IoT Security
We are delighted to announce that Said Alvarado-Marin got the best demo award at the ICRA 2024 workshop on breaking swarm stereotypes in Yokohoma, Japan on 17 May 2024 for his demo about the DotBot..

IEEE ICRA Best Demo Award!
We are delighted to announce that Said Alvarado-Marin got the best demo award at the ICRA 2024 workshop on breaking swarm stereotypes in Yokohoma, Japan on 17 May 2024 for his demo about the DotBot..

ICRA 2024 poster 2/2
“Let’s Share Our Robots! Dynamically Controlling a Swarm of Robots Among Multiple Human Operators” , poster presented by Genki Miyauchi, at the Breaking Swarm Stereotypes workshop at ICRA 2024.

ICRA 2024 poster 1/2
“Towards Decentralised Formation of Minimal-Length Networks Using Swarms of Robots”, poster presented by Genki Miyauchi, at the Late Breaking Results Poster Session at ICRA 2024.

IEEE ISCC 2024 paper 2/3
Bit- and Symbol-Error Patterns of the IEEE 802.15.4 TSCH Mode. Fabian Graf, Thomas Watteyne, Filip Maksimovic, Michael Villnow. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Paris, France, 26-29 June 2024.

IEEE ISCC 2024 paper 1/3
TMVS: Threshold-based Majority Voting Scheme for Robust SRAM PUFs. Sara Faour, Malisa Vucinic, Filip Maksimovic, David C. Burnett, Paul Muhlethaler, Thomas Watteyne, Kristofer Pister. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Paris, 26-29 June 2024.

Interview with Danny Hughes
A new episod in the series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member. Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

Interview with Roderich Gross
A new episod in the series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member. Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

IEEE Access journal article
Secure Communication for the IoT: EDHOC and (Group) OSCORE Protocols. Rikard Hoglund, Marco Tiloca, Goran Selander, John Preuss Mattsson, Malisa Vucinic, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE Access, to appear in 2024.

Unboxing KU Leuven’s FreeBot!
Inria is welcoming the KU Leuven’s FreeBot!

Interview with Jeroen Famaey
A new episod in the series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member. Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

IEEE CrystalFreeIoT paper 3/3
ABL: Leveraging Millimeter Wave Pulses for Low Latency IoT Networking, Bingwu Fang, Jonathan Oostvogels, Xinlei Liu, Andrey Belogaev, Sam Michiels, Danny Hughes, Jeroen Famaey, Workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT (CrystalFreeIoT), Hong Kong, 13-16 May 2024.

Interview with Quentin Bey
A new episod in the series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member. Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

AIOT Systems deployment
Deploying of an AIOT systems network at LaBoMaP for better understanding the impact of environmental conditions on the aging of wood.

IEEE CrystalFreeIoT paper 2/3
Single-Chip Motes and SRAM PUF: Feasibility Study. Sara Faour, Blaz Korecic, Malisa Vucinic, Fil Maksimovic, David Burnett, Paul Muhlethaler, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT (CrystalFreeIoT), Hong Kong, 13-16 May 2024.

IEEE CrystalFreeIoT paper 1/3
RobOTAP: Over-the-Air Programming of Robotic Swarms. Alexandre Abadie, Said Alvarado-Marin, Filip Maksimovic, Malisa Vucinic, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT (CrystalFreeIoT), Hong Kong, 13-16 May 2024.

The role of physics in distributed robotics
Roderich Gross, Senior Lecturer (Assoc. Prof.) of the University of Sheffield
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, gave a talk at the 7th IEEE UK & Ireland RAS Conference (RAS 2024).

Interview with Brian Coffey
A new video in the series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member. Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

IEEE NetRobiCS 2024 paper
Qrkey: Simply and Securely Controlling Swarm Robots. Alexandre Abadie, Malisa Vucinic, Diego Badillo, Said Alvarado-Marin, Filip Maksimovic, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE International Workshop on Networked Robotics and Communication Systems (NetRobiCS), Vancouver, Canada, 20 May, 2024.

Exploring the Benefits of Sharing Energy within Robot Swarm Networks
Poster by Genki Miyauchi, Mohamed S. Talamali, Roderich Gross, presented at the 7th IEEE UK & Ireland RAS Conference (RAS 2024).

Ingeniarius, headquartered in Valongo, Portugal, is a pioneering small team with a significant impact in the realm of robotics and intelligent systems.

IEEE WCNC 2024 paper
Performance Comparison of EDHOC and DTLS 1.3 in Internet-of-Things Environments. Geovane Fedrecheski, Mališa Vučinić, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21-24 April 2024

IEEE IPSN 2024 paper
“Twofer: Ambiguous Transmissions for Low-Latency Sensor Networks Facing Noise, Privacy and Loss” (J. Oostvogels, D. Hughes, S. Michiels)” was accepted at IPSN’24

Siemens Industrial Connectivity Lab
The technology company Siemens has opened a new test laboratory for industrial connectivity technologies at its Erlangen site.

Siemens Workshop
On 19 December 2023, OpenSwarm members of Siemens AG Germany have met for a hands-on workshop at the Siemens Campus in Erlangen.

Visit DistriNet
DistriNet is a team of over 90 researchers working on Distributed Systems, Security and Networking. We are part of the Computer Science department of KU Leuven, located in historic Leuven, Belgium.

Showing off the OpenSwarm project and the DotBot platform at SIDO & OpenSource Experience
Showing off the OpenSwarm project and the DotBot platform at the Inria booth at SIDO & OpenSource Experience on 6 & 7 December in Paris!

Time Synchronized Multi-Hop Mesh Network with Crystal-Free Nodes. Filip Maksimovic, Austin Patel, David Burnett, Thomas Watteyne, Kristofer S.J. Pister. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December 2023.

ACM SenSys 2023 demo
FreeBot: a Battery-Free Swarm Robotics Platform. Mengyao Liu, Fan Yang, Sam Michiels, Said Alvarado-Marin, Thomas Watteyne. ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), Istanbul, Turkey, November 13-15, 2023.

AIOT Academy at ESIROI
“Wireless art & magic”
30 October-2 November 2023.
Building a robot-to-cloud system in a week!

Interview with Franz Zeilinger
In the coming months, we’ll be featuring a series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member in order to introduce them to you.
Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

Imec’s IDLab
Today, let’s visit imec’s IDLab, located in The Beacon innovation hub, an inspiring place and community for digital innovators in Antwerp, Belgium.

Interview with Michael Villnow
In the coming months, we’ll be featuring a series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member in order to introduce them to you.
Find out more about who they are, what is their role in the project and what is their vision for the use of the technology developed in the OpenSwarm project.

IEEE WF-IoT 2023 paper
WELOC: Localizing Equipment in Marinas using Ultrasound. Trifun Savic, Keoma Brun-Laguna, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 12–27 October 2023, Aveiro, Portugal.

IEEE/RSJ IROS 2023 paper
Sharing the Control of Robot Swarms among Multiple Human Operators: A User Study. Genki Miyauchi, Yuri Kaszubowski Lopes, Roderich Gross. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, USA, 1-5 October 2023.

Discover the ADI Catalyst collaboration hub
ADI Catalyst is an R&D environment with a focus on forming stronger collaborative partnerships, exchanging ideas, creating living labs, and developing breaktrough solutions.

The Natural Robotics Lab of the University of Sheffield
Today we are taking you to the Natural Robotics Lab (NRL) of the University of Sheffield.

Today, come and visit the Inria AIO team!
Today we are taking you to the labo of Inria AIO team. Let’s get a glimpse into the team’s life.

Series of Interview
In the coming months, we’ll be featuring a series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member in order to introduce them to you.

All-hands meeting in Antwerp
The first all-hands meeting of the Openswarm project took place from July 4 to 5 at Imec in Antwerp.

Unleashing the Power of Embedded Systems and Mobile Robotics: Pioneering Swarm Robotics and Energy-Awareness
In the ever-evolving landscape of robotics, the convergence of embedded systems and mobile robotics has sparked a transformative paradigm, revolutionizing automation as we know it.

Application Performance Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Systems (WSNs) are widely deployed in industrial environments to ensure the flawless operation of all entities in a factory. It is therefore crucial…

IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2023 paper
Blip: Identifying Boats in a Smart Marina Environment. Trifun Savic, Keoma Brun-Laguna, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS-IoT), Workshop on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things (ISIoT), Pafos, Cyprus, 19-21 June 2023.

Series of Interview
In the coming months, we’ll be featuring a series of short interviews with the scientific lead of each consortium member in order to introduce them to you.

Concertation on computing continuum
The event, organised by EUCloudEdgeIoT was held in Bruxelles on 10-11 May.

IEEE IPSN 2023 poster
Poster Abstract: Hands-on Evaluation of Kinéis Satellite IoT Technology. Raúl de la Fuente, Thomas Watteyne. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), San Antonio, TX, USA, 9-12 May 2023.

EuCloudEdgeIoT membership
EuCloudEdgeIoT membership SHARE We are happy to announce that OpenSwarm has joined EUCloudEdgeIoT, a community of 30+ European collaborative research projects. EUCloudEdgeIoT coordinates a portfolio

Kick-off Meeting!
Project Kick-off meeting SHARE 26-27 January – Inria Paris The project’s kick-off meeting took place in Paris on 26-27 January. The event was hosted by