Demo presented at IETF 119: zero-touch secure enrollment of DotBots

Geovane Fedrecheski

Presented at the IETF 119 LAKE meeting, March 2024

Onboarding new IoT devices presents security and usability challenges: the device needs to securely enroll a gateway and establish trust, which in turn can impose operational overheads when considering large scale deployments. This demo showcases a solution to this problem, where DotBots use a new protocol to securely join a gateway without requiring manual per-network provisioning. The protocol, named “Lightweight Authorization using Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE”, is led by members of the AIO team at Inria, and is being standardised at the LAKE Working Group at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The demo was logged in the proceedings of the IETF 119 held in March 2024.