DAFUSAI paper accepted
Feature-level fusion in wireless acoustic sensor networks with graph attention networks for classification of domestic activities
Wei Wei, Matthias Hutsebaut-Buysse, Thomas Avé, Tom De Schepper, Kevin Mets. 2nd Workshop on Data Fusion for Artificial Intelligence (DAFUSAI)
October 19th, 2024 at ECAI, Santiago de Compostela.
IEEE Computer paper accepted
EDHOC is a New Security Handshake Standard: Overview of Security Analysis. Elsa Lopez Perez, Göran Selander, John Preuß Mattsson, Thomas Watteyne, Mališa Vučinić. IEEE Computer, to appear in 2024.
ICRA paper published
Standards-based Remote Attestation for Internet-of-Things Swarms. Yuxuan Song, Malisa Vucinic, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Breaking Swarm Stereotypes, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, 17 May 2024.
DotBot paper published!
Demo: DotBot, a cm-Scale, Easy-to-Use Micro-Robot for Swarm Research. Said Alvarado-Marin, Alexandre Abadie, Filip Maksimovic, Martina Balbi, Trifun Savic, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Breaking Swarm Stereotypes, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, 17 May 2024.
IOTSMS paper accepted
Pre-shared key authentication in Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE. Elsa Lopez Perez, Thomas Watteyne, Mališa Vučinić. IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS), Malmo, Sweden, 2-5 September 2024.
ICT Express Journal paper published
Monitoring Performance Metrics in Low-Power Wireless Systems. Fabian Graf, Thomas Watteyne, Michael Villnow. Elsevier ICT Express.