Hackathon on Lightweight IoT Security
As part of the activities on Work Package 2 of the OpenSwarm project, Inria has hosted an event gathering the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) community working on lightweight Internet-of-Things standards. Under the umbrella of the OpenSwarm project, the Hackathon on Lightweight IoT Security took place in Paris on 21-22 May 2024 and gathered approximately 40 participants, key contributors to Internet standards. For the duration of the Hackathon, the participants worked on 9 independent projects and held more than 13 side meetings, discussing the ongoing standardization activities in the IETF. The OpenSwarm team took the opportunity to progress the work on zero-touch IoT onboarding standardized in the IETF LAKE working group, part of OpenSwarm T2.2, as well as the work on remote attestation, part of OpenSwarm T2.3.