Visit at KU Leuven's DistriNet Research Unit
DistriNet is a team of over 90 researchers working on Distributed Systems, Security and Networking. It is part of the Computer Science department of KU Leuven, located in historic Leuven, Belgium, 20 minutes from Brussels airport.
The Networked Embedded Software taskforce works on all issues related to the IoT hardware and software stack, from hardware design, through OS, networking to middleware and machine learning. Their fully-featured lab includs:
- 200 node SmartMesh IP testbed for research on time-synchronized networking.
- 200 node LoRa testbed for low power wide-are network research.
- PCB prototyping, 3D Printing and electronic benchmarking facilities.
The focus of the team in the OpenSwarm project is twofold. Firstly they aim to create a first battery free swarm robotics platform platform that eliminates the environmetal impact of using toxic and short-lived batteries. Secondly, they are creating radically new network primitives that enable low latency control of large networks of swarm robots.
More information is available at