IETF 122
IETF 122, Bangkok, 15-21 March 2025
OpenSwarm researchers Geovane Fedrecheski, Yuxuan Song and Elsa Lopez were in Bangkok, Thailand to participate in IETF 122, one of the three annual events organized by the Internet Engineering Task Force.
The IETF is the standardization organization behind today’s Internet.
Researcher Mališa Vučinić also attended the event remotely.
The Hackathon was an excellent opportunity to explore and make progress on three projects:
– Using EDHOC with blink, the scalable mobile link layer that will power the 1,000 robots OpenSwarm testbed.
– Combining the works of drafts lake-authz and lake-ra, enabling a more straightforward security handshake that covers Authentication, Authorization, and Attestation.
– Work on a Cryptographic Abstraction Layer for embedded Rust, whose goal is to make hardware-based cryptographic accelerators available for protocol implementers using a memory safe language.
The IETF 112 meeting allowed the OpenSwarm team to make the following contributions:
– lake-authz: Geovane Fedrecheski presented updates about a new reverse flow that optimizes usage in more types of IoT networks, discussed a few open issues, and communicated that the draft is now very close to a final version.
– lake-edhoc-psk: Elsa Lopez presented the updates that had been made to the draft after it being adopted by the working group. This includes some changes in the protocol’s message flow, a discussion on resumption mechanisms as well as some minor additions, such as adding appendixes or reorganizing sections.
– lake-ra: Yuxuan Song presented the latest updates since the draft was adopted by the LAKE working group, which include a new simplified attestation model, an Appendix about continuous attestation and some editorials.
– ace-coap-est-oscore: Mališa Vučinić and Geovane Fedrecheski presented the updates of the EST-oscore draft which specifies how a constrained device may obtain a valid certificate. Specifically, they focused on the use case of transporting certificates by reference, in order to save bandwidth in constrained IoT networks.
The IETF meetings bring together researchers and industry experts with the goal of improving the Internet. This critical mass of international talent and deep work is the perfect vehicle to ensure the maximum possible impact the technology developed by the OpenSwarm consortium, reaching the industry and leading to impact at the European and global levels.